
40 and fabulous, 40’s the new 30, this is 40, life starts at 40 … and so the list goes on! The cliches are firing at you from all angles and somehow you need to remain positive about hitting this massive milestone!

It’s no surprise to the people that know me, that I love a list!

So it felt fitting for me to come to terms with turning 40 by doing a round up of 40 things I’ve learnt over these 40 years.

Some of these might be slightly controversial but that’s also one of the things I’ve learnt to care less about (see point 12 below).

  1. Life’s too short for crappy coffee…even when you’re camping!
  2. Raw tomatoes are still gross. Roasted tomatoes are still awesome!
  3. Cats are way cooler than dogs
  1. My work will still be there in the morning
  2. Work life balance is a myth…
  3. Life’s too short to choose vanilla!
  1. A glass of bubbly in the sun with friends is hard to beat!
  2. Always choose the Pinot Noir!
  3. Don’t let Monday ruin your Sunday!
  1. Being a parent is an extreme sport!
  2. Being the perfect parent is impossible.
  3. So stop caring about what everyone else thinks and just do your best.
  1. Staying up until midnight on new years eve is unnecessary.
  2. Landrovers are awesome. Impractical money suckers, but still awesome!
  3. Going off the grid for a few days reduces my anxiety x 10.
  1. The past is gone,
  2. The future hasn’t happened yet,
  3. And all we actually have is right now!
  1. Getaways with my sister are the best food for my soul.
  2. Camping in the rain can still be fun with the right people.
  3. Swimming in dark dams is always unnecessary.
  1. I can only be accountable for me.
  2. Doing something for myself is nothing to feel guilty about.
  3. And I always have a choice.
  1. The special people in my life will always be there for me.
  2. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of self awareness!
  3. There are many things that even I can’t control.
  1. I should treat myself like I would a pot plant.
  2. Time in nature resets my soul.
  3. And always spend more on eye cream than you feel makes sense.
  1. Renovating a home is one of the most satisfying things to do.
  2. Never believe the deadline your builder gives you.
  3. And always add at least 30% to the quote.
  1. I’m much tougher than I think I am.
  2. Not everyone thinks the same way I do.
  3. Being comfortable enough to let my freak flag fly has taken years but was worth the wait.
  1. I’ve learnt that kindness is always the best approach. 
  2. My family will always come first!
  3. Choosing to move our family to this small town has been one of my proudest achievements.
  1. I’ve learnt that I’m never too old to learn.

Looking back at all these amazing lessons, ‘Forty-fied’ feels like the most appropriate way to describe where I am today.

Did I miss anything? Please add some of your wisdom in the comments.

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