

40 and fabulous, 40’s the new 30, this is 40, life starts at 40 … and so the list goes on! The cliches are firing at you from all angles and somehow you need to remain positive about hitting this massive milestone! It’s no surprise to the people that know me, that I love a... Continue Reading →

Bob and weave!

Here we are almost a year into our journey! I’d like to say we’ve made good progress but the truth is it’s been damn slow and we’ve hit a lot of speed bumps along the way. We’re still living in the cottage, we still don’t have approved plans for our reno and we still don’t... Continue Reading →

Digging Deep!

It's no surprise that I love to improve, refresh and transform things. A room, a space, a house, and more recently our lives.  With a property of over 1700 square meters full of trees, shrubs and lawn, I've not only had to learn HOW to garden but to love it too. At our previous house... Continue Reading →

Go Fig-ure!

When we moved into our new house during winter, we found these two ‘dead trees’ in our garden and now that the weather’s warmed up, our ‘dead trees’ are spewing more figs than I know what to do with.  So like with most problems in life, I turned to Google, to 'fig-ure' out what the... Continue Reading →

Survival of the focused!

One of the reasons we were privileged enough to be able to make this move to the country was our work allowed it. My husband is a freelance camera operator so his ‘office’ moves around on the daily. My work went remote when the world caught fire and now that things are slowly easing up... Continue Reading →

Demo Day!

The best part of any renovation is the day you smash that first brick, rip out that crusty cupboard or lift that smelly carpet. It’s the exciting start of the journey to create something new from something old.  You’re also never entirely sure what you’re going to find when you start tearing down walls and... Continue Reading →

Faulty Towers!

When we signed on the dotted line for this house, we knew we were going to be in for some fun. It’s old...we’re still not sure how old but it seems it was built in at least the early 1900’s. Not only is it old but work has been done slowly over time with little... Continue Reading →

We bought a house!

“Price is what you pay, value is what you get” - Warren Buffett. Some people walk into a home and fall in love with everything they see. The designer kitchen, perfect floors, the perfect layout, the bright sunny rooms….The house we bought  has none of those things.  There’s barely a functioning kitchen. The floors are... Continue Reading →

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